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5 steps to Love Your Fear and Heal Your Doubt

by | Jun 4, 2020 | Soul Self

When you live a soul centred life guided by your feminine spirit with your soul’s evolution as the end game, the uprising of fear is a regular occurrence that is part of the process.

I don’t know about you but for me there has been many a day on this so called journey to enlightenment that I have spent walking through my day gripped in a spiral of negativity as my mind races and my heart breaks with the thought ‘here I am again and nothing has changed!’

Yes, I’ve got to that point again where I am lost, frustrated and seemingly nothing I do to create the changes I want in my life seems to work and any journalling only reveals a repeating pattern of fear of the unknown, a lack of self belief and the need to control the outcomes through a lack of faith.

Having spent many years in an intimate dance of the soul and getting to know my fears and challenges pretty well, there is one thing I’ve learnt about fear.

Fear is not something to be conquered or eradicated.  The best results don’t come from shying away from your ego and resisting this part of who you are.  You see fear is part of the human experience and it will naturally rise to the surface each and every time you take a step forward to move beyond your comfort zone.

This is especially true when you seek to embrace your mediumship abilities and expand your spirituality.  When you live a soul centred life guided by your feminine spirit with your soul’s evolution as the end game, the uprising of fear is a regular occurrence that is part of the process. 

You see, here’s the insider soul secret.

Spirit guides you expand your comfort zone, because that’s where you learn new things about yourself and therefore your soul grows.  It’s here you hit the fear zone.  Then in time you acclimatise, settle down and get comfy only to then be guided once again to move out of that comfort zone. 

This rinse and repeat cycle is the natural process of the soul’s journey and one where you can intensify the experience with JOY when you embrace who you are in all your glory and that part of you that does respond with fear.  This is being human, there is however a great deal of empowerment in being intimate with this part of your soul and equipping yourself with awareness and the everyday tools that can help you shift your focus so as to continue to align your co-creative energy with embodying your purpose.

Focus is everything when it comes to creating your reality with your thoughts and in sharing this simple 5 step process I use to embrace my fears I know you too will find that when you come to your fears from a space of love, you will find yourself staying in your co-creative flow of life and gently dissipating any blocks you may have, quietly and effectively.

1. Recognise your fear indicators

Get to know your fear indicators and what behaviour patterns you exhibit when fear is operating?

2. Acknowledge your truth

There is great freedom in being honest with yourself and acknowledging your truth about what triggers you and why.  Sitting your truth, no matter what it is, releases your soul energy to keep supporting you and your manifesting efforts without holding you back and being blocked from moving forward.

3. Focus and attention

Reality flows from the daily choices you make as to where you focus your attention. Get creative, focus on what you love doing and ask the question Is where you are spending your time, your actions and your thoughts working to serve the life you desire or do you need to make different choices more in alignment with the life that sits in your heart? 

4. Go deeper

As you refocus your attention and experience a new lightness, notice the thoughts and feelings at persist.  Journal and allow them to surface.  These indicate where your self healing is needed and it is here that you can begin to look beyond the surface, go within and work towards healing and coming to understandings of yourself. 

5. Love Yourself.

As you move through Step 1-4 elevate the whole experience with ease and grace by being kind to yourself.  Loving and nurturing yourself will create the path of least resistance, easing the way and gratifying how you move through each day. 

Follow these steps and you will leave behind the overload of despair that comes from living in fear and essentially create a whole new experience that opens doors to a new you.

with love & gratitude,

Hi, I’m Kerrie Wearing and I am a Spiritual Leader and mentor in the Feminine Spirit Mediumship.

As a psychic medium soul coach with over 20years of experience, I support women to embody their mediumship with the energy of Divine Feminine.  This expands your mediumship to embody your purpose and have you show up in life as the sensual, confident, co-creative being you are that is naturally aligned with your destiny and expands your relationship with Spirit.

More about Kerrie…

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