Your Higher Self is the Compass that guides you to live your Soul Purpose
Hello friend,
Your Higher self has the intuitive nature of leading you home to you. Of bringing about the journey of knowing yourself with Divine Love so that you may truly know who you are authentically.
This means knowing your intuitive self, knowing your Soul purpose and aligning life with that purpose and creating Soul harmony. Getting there often means letting go of all the beliefs and unconscious behaviours others expect of you so you may be free to be unapologetically you.
Getting to know your Higher self and developing this relationship lays a solid foundation for your Spirituality and your Mediumship.
It builds the bridge between your conscious human self and that part of you that is Spirit. The part of you that knows it is an expression of Divine Love. That part of you that knows it is connected to the Universe in the essence of Oneness.
So this month, I ask you “Do you want to know who you are in your Spirit self?
Of course you do! Below you will find tips, resources and helpful tools that you can take away and use to explore and expand your Higher Self relationship. I invite you to make good use of what we offer here and do come back share some of your experience with us.
with love & gratitude
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